Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Am From

I am from small towns and big families.
I am from Cathy, Mike, Carole and Andy, raising me with all they know.
I am from moving trucks
from 9 different schools and making new friends with each one.
I am from no one place
I am from windy roads to get back home.
The one place that has always been constant, the little town Tullahoma Tennessee
I am from black eyed peas and brussel sprouts, hiding them under grandmas porch.
from Papa always giving us money for a soda, when we left to go back
I am from multiple families becoming one.
I am from open opinions and hurt f.eelings
From working for what i want and not letting it slip away
I am from creativity, opened minds and happiness and laughter
I am from strength to get through the hard times
I am from family and friends and not being who i am without thier help.
I am from me

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