Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can you be just friends?

Have you ever had that one person you felt like you could talk about absolutly anything with, no judgment but they would still give you  honest feedback about the situation? Well i just recently lost that person. He lives in Ohio and i met him on July 26th 2010, i was visiting a friend and i met him at a party.We instantly hit it off and talked the whole time.  AfterI left we started talking and became instant friends, knowing that it could probably never turn into anything els becuase of the distance. I would tell him everything and we would talk constantly, through texts and phone calls. We then both developed feeling greater than friendship and we both thought we could make this work becuase if we like each other enough it would have to work. We were doing good for about a month, counting down the days to spring break when i would next get to see him. Then one night he drunkily texts me and is talking about some other girl. I was crushed, i didnt really know what was going on becuase he had shut down and stopped talking to me.
I was so hurt by that night and i didnt like it. I didnt like the fact that i couldnt be there to know what was going on and i wasnt there to see him. I decided that the long distance thing wasnt for me. I hated that he could hurt me so much from so far away. So i told the guy i didnt want to do it anymore and that we should just be friends.
 Now I have a boyfriend and we started dating a month ago, and i really like him. He is the sweetest person, open about his feelings would never hurt me or close me out. But the guy from Ohio decides to tell me his true feelings for me, through  a drunk text he tells me he loves me. I thought maybe that i could have possily loved him but he was so far away so i blocked those feelings. I still wanted to be his friend though i still care about him. How could i not we spent so much of our time talking to each other .
Now he tells me that i forgot about him and that i never really cared about him. We never really talk now and i kinda miss him. So i want to know can you be just friends with a guy? I have in the past 2 months have had four of my guy friends tell me they have feelings for me, and telling them i just want to be friends is bringing me down when i have to see the hurt looks on thier faces. So can you truly be just friends with a guy?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Am From

I am from small towns and big families.
I am from Cathy, Mike, Carole and Andy, raising me with all they know.
I am from moving trucks
from 9 different schools and making new friends with each one.
I am from no one place
I am from windy roads to get back home.
The one place that has always been constant, the little town Tullahoma Tennessee
I am from black eyed peas and brussel sprouts, hiding them under grandmas porch.
from Papa always giving us money for a soda, when we left to go back
I am from multiple families becoming one.
I am from open opinions and hurt f.eelings
From working for what i want and not letting it slip away
I am from creativity, opened minds and happiness and laughter
I am from strength to get through the hard times
I am from family and friends and not being who i am without thier help.
I am from me

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to Me


My name is Jenny Bennett. I am like any other typical college student, confused and not sure what I want to do in life. I am currently an accounting major, planning on transferring to SIUE next year. I have worked at Target for 16 months and I absolutely love it. My best friends work there and getting to spend time with them daily is amazing. When I am not at school or working (which is not often) you will probably find me at my friend Kristen's house. When I was younger I was moved around a lot... not because my dad was in the military, which he was, but I lived with my mom. I have attended a total of 9 different schools in two states. One time we lived in a house for a week, shocking right? I have lived here since 2007. In 2008 my mom was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, she was so strong through it all and is a survivor. Though cancer is not my first option it definitely brought my family closer together. Not the most conventional way to bring a family together but my family is one of a kind. My life is all about my family and friends because after all I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.