Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, I am a big fan of facebook. Moving around so much, keeping in touch with friends is easier through facebook. It is always up and easy to use. But there has to be a line. Some things you should not have to read on facebook. When a family starts to only communicate through facebook something should change. My family has never been much for keeping in touch, but when it comes to the important things everyone was pretty well informed. We would call each other to tell when something big was happening, i.e.: new family member, marriage, illness. Lately everyone has kind of been relying on facebook. My sister announced her engagement which isn’t so bad because she called the majority of the family first. The one person that really gets me is my grandfather, I have not had the closest relationship with him but much of my close family does. A few weeks ago he posted on his facebook wall that he has cancer. Now is that not something you should get on the phone to tell people, before the rest of the world finds out through an emotionless facebook status?
I use facebook a lot to and I may not always keep in touch with my family, with school and work and friends it can get kind of hectic, but if something like that were going on I would make a point to call my family and then even if I call one person they can start to call other family members. That way they don’t have to hear about it in such an impersonal way. I just would hate to see a world where we lack basic communication skills because we are all just updating our facebook statuses.